Enhancement Highlights
POWER 40.500
For more detailed information on each feature below, view Program News in the Electronic Documentation Viewer (EDV) in POWER.
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General System
Use the same Unitech HT730 scanner for scanning vehicles and parts
40.500You can now use the Parts Bar Code application and the Vehicle Bar Code application on the same Unitech HT730 scanner. In addition, you can now access the Vehicle Bar Code application directly from the Unitech HT730 home page.
Redesigned toolbar in POWER

The buttons available on the toolbar in POWER have been updated to provide a more modern, visually appealing appearance. In addition, the toolbar and function line text now display on a white background for each color scheme, providing greater contrast.
Save up to 100 contacts on the ReyCom window
40.250You can now save up to 100 contacts on the Contacts tab on the ReyCom window. Previously, only 50 contacts could be saved.
Export and print data in the Enterprise Report Management System without a security check
40.000For employees signed on to POWER using dlrSecured Identity Management, data in reports in the Enterprise Report Management System can now be exported and printed without completing a security check.
Dealer Communication
Automatically update repair orders with information directly from GM vehicles*

The GM SAVI interface is now available to allow service advisors to automatically retrieve telematics data from GM vehicles including diagnostic trouble codes, status of the engine air filter, and status of the check engine light. When a qualifying dongle, such as the GM SAVI dongle, is plugged in to the OBDII port on a customer’s vehicle, vehicle information can be reviewed using the Display Individual MFG Info window or the new Display SAVI Report window.
Access the Dealer Communication System for specific vendors
40.000You can now use the Application Navigator window to access the Dealer Communication System for specific vendors. Simply select Dealer Communication Systems in the Application field, enter the vendor code in the Record field, and press the F12 key.
Reynolds Integrated Telephone System
Start and stop call recordings directly on RITS phones
40.500For dealerships using Cisco 8851-3PCC or 8861-3PCC phone models, you can now manually start and stop call recordings without accessing the RITS Desktop Application using a new phone screen and soft keys. To access the recording options during a call, simply press the Navigation soft key twice and then press the new Record soft key on your RITS phone. A message indicating the recording status of the call displays on the new Call Recording screen.
Monitor employee productivity using a new report

Managers can use the new User Productivity (Beta) report to review employee productivity and call availability. With this report, you can monitor the total number of calls handled by each employee as well as the total duration of calls and hold times. For more information, see pages 3-4 of the 40.250 Program News.
Review the extensions for a call queue

System administrators can now review the extensions assigned to a call queue using the new Dependencies section on the Queue Options screen in the RITS Administration Console. For more information, see page 5 of the 40.250 Program News.
Help video now available in the MyRITS app

You can now access a help video explaining the basic features of the MyRITS app directly in MyRITS. To view the video, simply tap the new Help option in the MyRITS menu. The new MyRITS Help screen displays. Tap the MyRITS Basics link to display the help video.
Monitor parked call activity using your RITS phone
40.000Employees can now determine whether a call is parked in a parking lot using the indicator lights on their RITS phones. In the RITS Administration Console, system administrators can assign parking lots to individual soft keys on phones using the Side Cars section on the Station Options screen. Once defined, employees can determine whether parked calls exist using their RITS phones without accessing the RITS Desktop application. A visible change to the parking lot soft key, typically a red color change, indicates the presence of a parked call.
MyRITS App Icon Update
40.000The MyRITS app icon for mobile devices has been updated to display the new Reynolds and Reynolds corporate logo. This new icon displays only for iOS version 2.88 or Android version 2.30 of the MyRITS app.
Integrated Document Management

Verify documents were scanned for transactions using a new report

The Scan Audit Integrity report is now available to help managers determine whether specific documents, such as parts and service invoices, have been scanned for various transaction types. With this report, you can search for documents that have not been scanned based on the document type, document date, and customer associated with the transaction.
Verify documents were successfully saved in Integrated Document Management using new report

Using the new Auto-Archive Audit Integrity report, you can determine whether documents, such as repair orders and parts invoices, were printed but not automatically saved in Integrated Document Management. To access the Auto-Archive Audit Integrity report, select Reports → Auto-Archive Audit Integrity Report.
Security Profiles
New security items
40.500The following security items have been added on the Security Access screen:
Control Options – Service → Invoice Type Control – Screen Access → Invoice Type Operations. For more information, refer to page 13.
Household/Driver Tracking → Screen Access → Driver ROs and Reservations. For more information, refer to page 25.
Household/Driver Tracking → Screen Access → Vehicle ROs and Reservations. For more information, refer to page 25.
New security items
40.250The following security items have been added to the Security Access screen:
RITS Desktop Application → Print → User Productivity. For more information, see the 40.250 Program News, page 3.
Vehicle Inventory → Screen Access → Electric Vehicle Information. For more information, see the 40.250 Program News, page 16.
Marketing Toolbox
Automatically notify customers about promised dates and times*

Promised dates and times can now be included in follow-up messages for service reservations. Using a new option on the Template Builder screen, you can define the promised date and time to be included in email messages and SMS text messages using the template sent for reservations. For more information, see page 5 of the 40.500 Program News.
Include invoice numbers and purchase order numbers on follow-up messages for repair orders*

Invoice numbers and purchase order numbers can now be included in follow-up messages for repair orders. Using new options on the Template Builder screen, you can define the invoice number and purchase order number to be included in email messages and SMS text messages sent using the template. For more information, see pages 6-7 of the 40.500 Program News.

Business Office
Management Accounting
Review additional invoice details for payments, receipts, and vouchers

Information about original postings now display on various detail screens throughout the Management Accounting system to help you determine which invoices to include in payment, receipt, and voucher transactions. When the F6 = Find function key is used to search for invoices, you can display new columns to view additional invoice details such posting dates and due dates.
Export data for 1099 reporting using a new file format

In 2023, the IRS introduced a new filing portal for 1099 forms called the Information Returns Intake System (IRIS). Using the Request 1099 Reports screen, you can now create .csv data that is compatible with the IRIS. For additional information on using this screen, see pages 35-36 of the 40.500 Program News.
Display the Purchase Order Control screen in an easy-to-use grid format
40.500The Purchase Order Control screen in the Management Accounting Options system has been reorganized to display in an easy-to-use grid format. In addition, you can now review the client names and general ledger descriptions associated with field entries.
Define settings for the MAC System using enhanced screens

You can now define settings for the Management Accounting (MAC) system using multiple enhancements in the MAC Options system. When defining settings for posting access, you now have additional options for controlling access to posting in the prime month. Several screens have also been combined to allow managers to define related settings using fewer screens. For more information, see pages 36-40 of the 40.250 Program News.
Human Resource Management
Exclude terminated employees from searches

Terminated employees can now be excluded when searching for employee records in the Human Resource Management system. To exclude terminated employee records from a search, simply clear the new Include Terminated Employees check box on the Search/Change Employee screen.
Quarterly electronic wage report updated for North Carolina
40.500To support changes to electronic wage reporting requirements for the state of North Carolina, the transfer file format for the quarterly electronic wage report has been updated to use the .csv file format.
Quarterly electronic wage report updated for South Carolina
40.500To support changes to electronic wage reporting requirements for the state of South Carolina, electronic files for quarterly wage reports have been updated. The following changes have been made to the S record on the South Carolina quarterly electronic wage report:
- The entry in the Standard Occupational Classification Code field on the Basic Data screen for the employee record is now included on the S record.
- Hours worked by employees during the quarter are now included on the S record.
For additional information, see page 39 of the 40.500 Program News.
COBRA updates for Form 941
40.500To support changes to reporting requirements for COBRA insurance, the Federal 941 Worksheet report has been updated. The following lines have been updated for Form 941.
- Line 11 – Qualified small business payroll tax credit for increasing research activities has been added.
- Line 12A – Total taxes after adjustments and nonrefundable credits has been removed.
- Line 12B – Number of individuals provided COBRA premium assistance has been removed.
- Line 12 – Total taxes after adjustments and nonrefundable credits has been added.
- Line 13 – Total deposits for this quarter, including overpayment applied from a prior quarter has been renumbered from line 11 to line 13.
Quarterly electronic wage report updated for Colorado
40.250To support changes to electronic wage reporting requirements for the state of Colorado, the electronic files for quarterly wage reports have been updated. The following new fields have been added to the S record on the Colorado Quarterly Electronic wage report:
- Officer Code
- Employment Data (Month 1)
- Employment Data (Month 2)
- Employment Data (Month 3)
W-2 transfer file format updated for Pennsylvania
40.250To support changes to electronic wage reporting requirements in the state of Pennsylvania, the W-2 transfer file format has been updated. The RV and RF records have been updated to add the Total PA Tax Withheld field, where the total from the State Income Tax Withheld field from all RS records displays.
New Colorado Paid Family Leave Report Available
40.000To support changes to reporting requirements for the state of Colorado, the new Colorado Paid Family Leave report is available in the Payroll system.
Purchase Requisition Control
Define settings for the Purchase Requisition Control system using enhanced screens

Several screens have been combined in the Purchase Requisition Control system to allow managers to define related settings using fewer screens. In addition, various screens have been reorganized and updated to be easier to read and include time-saving features, such as lookup buttons and pick lists. For additional information, see pages 41-42 of the 40.500 Program News.
Multiple enhancements available for entering and posting PRCs

Several enhancements are now available to help you enter and post PRCs and invoices. You can now enter comments directly in a line of detail when entering PRCs. When posting invoices for PRCs, you can now enter up to 1,000 lines of detail, use new fields to enter details for PRC types, and select individual lines to include on invoices. For more information, see pages 33-36 in the 40.000 Program News.

Sales and F&I
Finance and Insurance
New option for batch scanning

When scanning multiple documents at one time, each page can now be saved to the deal jacket as a separate document. You can use the new Scan Mode field on the Scan window to select how scanned documents should be saved. For more information, see pages 9-10 of the 40.500 Program News.
New options for exporting and merging documents on the Deal Jacket screen*

Using a new function key and button, employees can now export documents listed on the Deal Jacket screen to their PCs or network drives. In addition, original documents can now be retained when merging documents on the Deal Jacket screen. When merging documents, additional document source types can now be merged using the Merge Documents window. For more information, see pages 10-12 of the 40.250 Program News.
Add details for clean vehicle tax credits

Managers can now add information related to clean vehicle tax credits for qualified vehicles on a deal, such as electric and certain hybrid vehicles. To allow managers to enter these tax credit details on a deal, the new Electric Vehicle Tax Credit section is available on the Taxes screen. For more information, see page 13-14 of the 40.250 Program News.
Include battery capacity of electric vehicles on Front-End Management System reports*
40.000Managers can use the new field number 2261 (Vehicle Battery Capacity) to include the battery capacity of electric vehicles on Front-End Management System reports and Forms Building System forms.
Vehicle Inventory
Reach potential customers online
40.500New vendor(s) have been added to the Vehicle Data Transfer system. This system allows dealership personnel to securely provide access to their vehicle inventory information to a third-party website, where potential customers can search for vehicles on the internet. For a complete list of third-party vendors currently available for use with the system, please see page 11 of the 40.500 Program News.
Add details for electric and hybrid vehicles

You can now add electric and hybrid vehicle details, such as battery capacity and battery range, to vehicle records using the new Electric Vehicle Information screen. In addition, the battery range can now be used as criteria when performing vehicle inquiries, allowing you to search for electric vehicles with a specific battery range the customer requests. For more information, see pages 16-18 of the 40.250 Program News.
Automatically include additional information using OEM Build Data*
40.250Employees can now automatically retrieve vehicle information from the OEM for additional vehicle makes and years, such as for Ford and Toyota vehicles, in Vehicle Inventory. In addition, electric vehicle information can now be retrieved in the vehicle data. For more information, see pages 19-20 of the 40.250 Program News.
Review vehicles with keys that have been checked out on a report*

Using the new Outstanding KeyTrak Vehicles check box on the Inventory Report screen in Vehicle Inventory Options, you can now define a Vehicle Inventory Listing report to only include vehicles with keys that have been checked out using the KSI system.
Reach potential customers online
40.250The Vehicle Data Transfer (VDT) system allows dealership personnel to securely provide access to their vehicle inventory information to a third-party website, where potential customers can search for vehicles on the internet. Third-party vendors must have an agreement with both the dealership and Reynolds and Reynolds. For a complete list of third-party vendors currently available for use with the VDT system, see page 22 of the 40.250 program news.
The “Recall Management: Open Recalls” box has been moved and renamed the Open Recalls check box
40.250The “Recall Management: Open Recalls” check box on the Inventory Report screen in the VIN Options system has been moved to the lower left corner of the Selection Criteria section and renamed the “Open Recalls” check box.
The docuPAD® System
Require coverage option for docuPAD menu products*

You can now require employees to select a coverage option for products included on the Customize Deal Menu window in the Finance and Insurance system. To require a coverage option to be selected for products, contact the POWER Software Consultants.
Display expanded details regarding electronic forms and signatures consent

A new window is available on the docuPAD Workstation to allow customers to review and accept expanded details regarding their consent to use electronic forms and signatures. When the Continue button is tapped on the Customer Review screen, the new Buyer Electronic Records and Signature Consent Form window displays. For more details, see pages 10-12 in the 40.000 Program News.

Parts and Service
Automatically add additional service operations to reservations and repair orders

You can now define additional service operations to be automatically added to reservations and repair orders based on the distribution code and invoice type. For example, you can define the multi-point inspection operation to be automatically added to all reservations and repair orders with a customer invoice type. For additional information, see pages 13-15 of the 40.500 Program News.
Import additional vehicle information to the Household Driver/Tracking system*

New keywords are available on the Customer Database Import Format Control screen in the Service Options system to allow you to more efficiently update customer and vehicle records. Information imported using the Customer Database Import system is automatically entered in the corresponding fields in the Household Driver/Tracking system.
Notify employees when the maximum cost of parts is exceeded*

Employees can now be notified when the cost of parts on Service Price Guide operations exceeds a predefined amount. Using the new Or Greater Than field on the Operation Miscellaneous Data screen in the Service Options system, you can define the maximum cost amount of parts, which can be especially useful when setting up service specials with fixed prices. For additional information, see pages 18-19 of the 40.500 Program News.
Access the Dynamic Service Management screen from the Folder List*

The Dynamic Service Management screen can now be accessed from the My Procedures folder using a new link. To add the new Dynamic Service Management link to the My Procedures folder, simply access the My Favorites screen, highlight the new Dynamic Service Management option in the Available Functions and Displays list box, and click the Add button.
Define technician skills for each day of the week
40.500Skills for technicians can now be defined for each day of the week. Various screens throughout the Service system and the Service Department Scheduling system have been updated to display the available skills for a technician based on the day of the week. For additional information, see pages 21-22 of the 40.500 Program News.
Automatically print parts and labor costs on accounting copies of invoices
40.500To help comply with requirements from various OEMs and states, parts and labor costs can now automatically print on accounting copies of invoices. Previously, the Parts Cost Amount check box and the Flag Hours check box were selected on the Invoice Print Control screen to print parts and labor costs on both customer and accounting copies of invoices. Now, these fields are only used to print parts and labor costs on customer copies. To automatically print parts and labor costs on accounting copies, contact the POWER Software Consultants.
Review the promised time and date for reservations in a central location

You can now review the promised times and dates for reservations on the Reservation Inquiry screen and the Reservation Inquiry window. Using the new Promised Time column and the Promised Date column, this information for each reservation can be reviewed in a central location, reducing the need to drill down to individual records when reviewing department availability.
Review total prices for operation codes with tax included

You can now review the total estimated price including tax for operation codes in the Service Options system. This can be especially helpful when entering the sell price for fixed-price services on the Operation Overview screen. With this enhancement, the total price including the calculated tax displays in the new With Estimated Tax field.
Define operation codes to automatically close labor lines to estimates*

You can now define whether the Close to Estimate check box on the Add/Edit Labor Line window in the Service system is automatically selected when adding fixed price SPG operation codes to appointments or repair orders.
Import additional customer information to the HHD system*

Additional customer and vehicle information can now be imported using new keywords on the Customer Database Import Format Control screen in the Service Options system. Information imported using the PCU system is automatically entered in the corresponding fields and check boxes in the Household Driver/Tracking (HHD) system. For more information, see pages 29-30 of the 40.250 Program News.
Enter up to 300 characters in the Concern and Correction fields on the Operation Overview screen
40.250Up to 300 characters can now be entered in the Concern field and the Correction field on the Operation Overview screen and the Operation Override screen in the Service Options system. With this enhancement, you can define longer default statements for operations, which can help reduce situations where advisors must manually add additional concern or correction statements.
Place skills on hold without entering a release date*
40.250At dealerships where the Reservations system is licensed and the Service Department Scheduling system is not licensed, you can now place skills on hold without entering a release date, helping you review available hours. For more information, see page 33 of the 40.250 Program News.
Print warranty information for returned parts on invoices*

Information about returned warranty parts, such as the date and time the warranty parts were returned, can now be included on service invoices. To include this information on invoices, simply select the new Warranty Parts Return check box on the Invoice Print Control screen in the Service Options System.
Hide concern statements on printed invoices

Managers can now define whether concern statements for labor lines display on preliminary and final invoices separately from estimates. To prevent concern statements from printing on invoices for a pay type, simply select the new Suppress Concern on Preliminary and Final invoices check box on the Define Fields For Labor Flagging screen in the Service Options system.
Override pay types entered for labor lines

Managers can now define whether the pay type that is assigned to an operation code overrides a pay type that is manually entered on a labor line for the operation code. For more information, see pages 18-19 in the 40.000 Program News.
Review additional information in Dynamic Service Management

Several new columns are available for modules on the Dynamic Service Management screen to allow you to review, filter, and group additional information about repair orders, such as the date the repair order was opened, the technician currently assigned to the repair order, and the driver’s email address. See pages 20-22 in the 40.000 Program News for additional details.
Reorder columns on the Dynamic Service Management screen using new buttons

Previously, you could only reorder the columns on the Dynamic Service Management screen by dragging columns on the screen. Now, you can use the new Move Up and Move Down buttons on the Dynamic Service Management Settings window to reorder the columns that display on a module.
Delete pending parts confirmation message
40.000When an operation code with pending parts is changed on a labor line, a message window now displays to confirm the parts should be deleted. Click the Yes button on the message window to change the operation code and delete the pending parts.
Efficiently review repair order history
40.000When reviewing repair order history, the entry in the Search By field on the Vehicle Lookup window is now retained when the window is closed and automatically displays the next time the window is accessed by the employee. In addition, the 10 most recently accessed vehicle records for the employee now automatically display when the window is accessed.
Service Department Scheduling
Define technician skills for each day of the week

Using the new Specialized Skills by Day window in the Service Options system, you can now define a technician’s specific skills and the percentage of time that can be devoted to each skill for each day of the week. For example, at dealerships where Saturdays are reserved for internal work, the Specialized Skills by Day window can be used to only allow internal skills on that day. For additional information, see pages 21-22 of the 40.500 Program News.
Access repair order information directly from the Technician Time Card screen

New links are available on the Technician Time Card screen to allow you to access the Overview window using fewer steps. Simply click a link for a repair order in the RO# column to display the Overview window, where detailed information for the repair order can be reviewed.
Review the stock G/L account number on the MIA report*

Management Inventory Analysis reports can now be used to review stock general ledger (G/L) account numbers. Using a new setting in the Parts Options system, you can display the new Stock G/L column on MIA reports, which can help you reconcile parts inventory to G/L accounts in the Management Accounting system.
Quote ticket check box automatically selects when the Add Parts Ticket window is accessed
40.250When a short inquiry is rolled to a quote project and automatic numbering is used, the Quote Ticket check box is now automatically selected when the Add Parts Ticket window is accessed. The quote number also displays in the Quote# field.
Transmit parts orders more efficiently

Using a new option in the Parts Options system, you can indicate whether parts orders are transmitted to the manufacturer using the Dealer Communication System. When this setting is defined, you can use a new function key on the Search/Change Record screen in the Parts system to access the Dealer Communication System or to manually mark the order as transmitted. For more details, see pages 25-27 in the 40.000 Program News.
Automatically notify personnel of deleted pending parts
40.000A new option is available in the Parts Options system for managers to define email notifications or Workflow alerts to be sent to parts employees when pending parts are deleted from a service record. These notifications are automatically sent when an operation code with pending parts is changed on a labor line in the Service system, which results in the associated pending parts being deleted.
Household/Driver Tracking
View reservations and repair orders in a central location

Upcoming reservations and open repair orders can now be reviewed directly in the Household/Driver Tracking system. Using the new ROs and Reservations tab, you can view all scheduled and open repair orders associated with a household member or vehicle record. In addition, you can view canceled reservations for a customer when this tab is accessed for a specific household member.
New data items available for Reynolds Certified Interface*
40.500New data items have been added to files transferred using the Reynolds Certified Interface. For a complete list of the items that have been added, see pages 28-30 of the 40.500 Program News.
Use the Deal link to access a deal directly in the client number where the vehicle was sold
40.250At dealerships where households are combined across multiple client numbers, you can now click the Deal link on a customer’s record to access the deal in the Finance and Insurance system directly in the client number where the vehicle was sold. Previously, you would need to quick change to the appropriate client number to view a deal that was closed at another store.
*If the solution is not already licensed, a solution license is needed.