Enhancement Highlights
POWER 38.500
For more detailed information on each feature below, view Program News in the Electronic Documentation Viewer (EDV) in POWER.
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General Systems
User ID and password updates
38.250A POWER User ID and password are no longer required to access the Software Manager Download page, where POWER Software Manager can be installed on a PC.
Field updates based on revised government regulations
38.250Fields used to enter Social Security Numbers (SSNs) and Individual Taxpayer Identification Numbers (ITINs) have been updated to validate entries according to revised government regulations.
General Manager
Various graph enhancements on the Dashboard and Deal Receivable Summary screens

Graph enhancements include: New right-click menu options are available to copy and print graphs, the toolbar has been redesigned to display options using labels, rather than icons, horizontal grid lines display automatically, but can be hidden.
Dealer Communication

Transmit and retrieve sales, service, and parts information with the SET DDOA Suite One
38.500The Southeast Toyota (SET) Dealer Daily Open Access (DDOA) Suite One is now available. This suite allows SET dealerships to exchange data automatically with SET using the DDOA F&I Dealer/Credit Contract interface, the DDOA Operation Codes interface, and the DDOA Parts Invoice interface.
Toyota and Lexus DDOA Repair Order Reporting
38.500Repair order files for both Toyota vehicles and Lexus vehicles can now be transmitted using either the Toyota Dealer Daily Open Access (DDOA) Repair Order Reporting (RPO) interface or the Lexus DDOA RPO interface.
Retrieve StockPro parts return information from Mercedes-Benz

The Parts Return interface for Mercedes-Benz now automatically retrieves parts return invoice information for parts controlled by the StockPro program. When a parts return invoice is retrieved, a corresponding parts return is automatically created in the Parts (PTS) System for the appropriate make and can be processed as normal.
Transmit parts invoice information to Toyota and Lexus *
38.250At Toyota and Lexus dealerships, information about parts invoices can now be transmitted to the manufacturer automatically using the new Parts Invoice (PIC) interface.
Enhancements to TMNA, GST, and SET Dealer Daily Open Access*
38.250At Toyota, Gulf States Toyota (GST), Southeast Toyota (SET), and Lexus dealerships, information from body shop repair orders is now automatically included in files transmitted using the Dealer Daily Open Access (DDOA) Repair Order Reporting (RPO) interface.
Hourly parts inventory transmission for Toyota DDOA*
38.250At Toyota dealerships, parts inventory information is now transmitted automatically every hour using the DDOA Parts Inventory (INV) interface. Information can still be transmitted daily and monthly, as normal.
Reynolds Integrated Telephone System

New transfer options available in the RITS Operator Console

You can use new transfer options in the RITS Operator Console to perform the following:
- Transfer calls to a specific department using new directory cards for call queues
- Transfer calls to a voicemail box using the new VM button on Virtual Sidecar entries
- Transfer calls to a voicemail box using new voicemail links on the Customer Call History window
View and retrieve parked calls from the RDA Navigation folder

Using the new Parked Calls section in the RITS Desktop Application (RDA) Navigation folder, you can now determine whether calls are currently parked and access the parked calls from any screen in RDA. When a call is placed in Parked status, the extension that can be dialed to retrieve the call, the caller’s phone number, and the caller’s name display as a link in this section.
Transfer calls using fewer steps

Using a new right-click menu option on the Directory screen, you can transfer calls to employees without manually entering their extensions.
Review additional performance information on the User and Queue Summary report

On the User and Queue Summary report, the % Answered column, the % Abandoned column, and the % No Answer column are now available to display performance data as percentages. Using these new columns, you can determine whether employees have met standards for handling inbound calls without the need to perform manual calculations.
Enhanced criteria options for several RITS Desktop Application reports
38.500For multiple RITS Desktop Application (RDA) reports, you can now include or exclude data for up to 20 dialed phone numbers or 20 external phone numbers. This enhancement is available for the following reports:
- Abandoned Call Analysis report
- Busy Call Hour report
- Call Activity report
- Call Path report
- Conference Meeting report
- Voicemail report
In addition, you can now specify up to 15 voicemail boxes to include on or exclude from the Voicemail report.
Display information on the Directory screen based on dealership location

You can use new fields on the Directory screen to limit the information that displays based on the client number.
Update your availability status using Rep Console or Manager Console windows

You can now review and update your availability status while monitoring call activity on the Rep Console window or the Manager Console window. Similar to other RITS screens, the Communication Status link and the appropriate status icon now display on these windows.
Access records in FOCUS from the RDA application

You can now access prospect, vehicle, and deal records in FOCUS directly from the RITS Desktop Application (RDA), without searching for the record in FOCUS separately.
New name for the Only Forward Calls check box
38.250On the Twinning & Call Forward Settings screen in the RDA application and the Call Forwarding screen in the RITS Administration Console, the Only Forward Calls During the Entered Hours check box has been renamed the Only Twin or Forward Calls During the Entered Hours check box to more clearly indicate the purpose of this check box.
New and updated columns on RDA reports

New and updated columns are available on the Call Activity report, the Call Path report, and the Abandoned Call Analysis report.
Access the Voicemail report summary with a new function key
38.000You can use a new function key to return to the summary version of the Voicemail report after drilling down to review details for a specific voicemail box. Simply press the F4 key to return to the summary version of the report.
New integration supported
38.000Integration with the NEC Univerge SV9100 phone system is now supported.
Security Profiles
Define Email addresses for multi-factor authentication
38.500Prepare for the implementation of Reynolds new MFA solution, dlrSecured Identity Management by entering the corporate email for employees using the new dlrSecured Mass Enrollment screen or using a new section on the Basic Profile Information screen. dlrSecured Identity Management will be rolled out later this year in order to help dealerships comply with the new Safeguards Rule amendments. For more details, see page 2 of Program News.
Security Profiles
New security items
38.500The following security items have been added on the Security Access screen:
- Control Options – Service > SPG Operation Control – Screen Access > SPG Operation Vehicle Data.
- Control Options – System Administrator > Display Programs – Screen Access > Last Sign-On Listing.
- Finance and Insurance > Screen Access > Late Vehicle Costs.
- Management Accounting > Electronic Payment Approval – Actions > Transmission Groups (F4).
- Management Accounting > Screen Access > Late Vehicle Costs.
- Marketing Toolbox > Source Application Access > OCC- PIN Parts Invoicing.
- Vehicle Inventory > Screen Access > Late Vehicle Costs.
Integrated Document Management

Additional security access options
38.250Employee access to various IDM actions can now be further customized using new security items in the Security Profiles (SEC) System. Additionally, you can use new security items to grant access to several of these actions individually instead of as a group.
Automatically save all invoice details for A/P checks to the check record
38.000When an accounts payable (A/P) check is printed using the Checkwriter and E-Payment screen in the Management Accounting (MAC) System, details for all invoices associated with the check (up to 200) can now be saved to the same document record as the check in the IDM System. To set up this feature, contact the POWER Software Consultants.
System Adminstrator
Monitor access to POWER for multiple User IDs

System administrators can use the new Last Sign-On Listing screen in the System Administrator Options System to monitor when active employees most recently signed on and signed off POWER. In addition, you can review the client numbers that each employee accessed while signed on and determine which employees were signed off automatically.

Business Office
Management Accounting

Updated process for transmitting and releasing electronic payments
38.500Electronic payments that are transmitted to FIS using Reynolds Electronic Payments are now transmitted in groups, and the transmission group is held until approved for payment release to vendors. Previously, individual electronic payments were transmitted and released automatically when the transactions were approved in the MAC System. Since financial institutions may charge a fee to process each file, grouping payments together before releasing them for payment to vendors can help reduce processing costs. In addition, new statuses for electronic payments display for this updated process, and the keywords used to include electronic payment information on ANA reports have been updated.
Review inventory value adjustments for sold vehicles

Accounting personnel can now review inventory value adjustments associated with sold vehicles using the new Late Vehicle Costs window. This window can also be used to review upcoming adjustments that need to be resolved, such as open repair orders. To access the Late Vehicle Costs window, select Tools > Late Vehicle Costs. A link to this window can also be added to the My Procedures folder.
View additional credit and vehicle details on schedule inquiries and reports

You can now display additional credit and vehicle details when requesting a schedule inquiry or report. New keywords can be used to include columns with customer credit details and vehicle sale details on the Schedule Inquiry screen and Schedule reports. In addition, new fields display credit and vehicle details on the Schedule Inquiry screen.
Automatically enter vehicle inventory accounts for vehicle PRCs

Vehicle inventory accounts can now be automatically entered for vehicle PRCs to post details to the appropriate general ledger (G/L) account. When defining the default G/L account for vehicle PRCs in the Management Accounting Options System, the new INV keyword can be used. To define this setting, simply enter INV in the Default Charge G/L Account field on the PRC tab on the Journal Posting Control screen, make additional entries as normal, and press the F12 key to save the changes. Once the INV keyword is defined as the default G/L account, INV is automatically entered in the Default Charge G/L Account field on the PRC Entry – Vehicle screen in the PRC System when adding a vehicle PRC.
Various enhancements for Instant DOC report graphs*

The enhancements are available on the Instant DOC and Instant DOC Detail screens: New right-click menu options are available to copy and print graphs; the toolbar has been redesigned to display options using labels, rather than icons; horizontal grid lines display automatically, but can be hidden.
Review check and E-payment details using redesigned windows*

The Checkwriter and E-Payment – Find Details window and the Checkwriter – Vendor Find Details window have been redesigned to display in grid format to make adjusting the display easier. There are also additional fields on each window.
1099-NEC Forms updates*
38.250When 1099-NEC forms requested using the Request 1099 Reports (T9) screen are printed, three forms now print on each page. The 1099-Reporting System must be licensed to access the Request 1099 Reports (T9) screen.
Reynolds Electronic Payments invoice details *
38.250When processing electronic payments using Reynolds Electronic Payment (REP), up to 2000 lines of invoice detail can now be included in a single transmission file sent to FIS.
Literals on Electronic Payment Approval screen now match REP *
38.250At dealerships where the Reynolds Electronic Payments (REP) application is licensed, literals on the Electronic Payment Approval screen have been updated to match the electronic payment process using the REP application. The Approved check box now displays as the Approved/In Progress check box, and the File Created check box displays as the Transmit Successful check box. In addition, the F11 = Create File function key displays as the F11 = Transmit Payments function key.
Exclude paid invoices from demand A/R statements that include multiple G/L accounts

You can now exclude paid invoices from demand accounts receivable (A/R) statements that include multiple general ledger (G/L) accounts. To display only open invoices on a demand A/R statement, simply select the new Suppress Paid Consolidated Invoices check box on the A/R Statement Control Options screen for the statement in the MAC Options System.
Review reference numbers when approving electronic payments

Reference numbers for electronic payments now display in the new Ref Number column on the Electronic Payment Approval screen.
Include electronic payment information on Account Analysis reports
38.000Information from electronic payments made using the REP application can now be reviewed on ANA reports. A list of usable keywords when defining the ANA report can be found in the full Program News.
Vendor displays on PRC Invoice Lookup window

When using the PRC Invoice Lookup window to search for purchase requisition control (PRC) numbers associated with an electronic payment, the Name and Address (NAD) number of the vendor entered on the Electronic Payment Detail screen is now entered automatically in the new Vendor field.
Create AIR files for Washington, D.C.
38.500Affordable Care Act Information Returns (AIR) files can now be created for Washington, D.C. Simply enter DC in the State Code field on the Create 1095-C Electronic Files window in the Payroll System, and make entries in the remaining fields as normal. Once entries have been made, the AIR file can be saved to the PC or a network drive.
Display FFCRA amounts and ARPA amounts separately on COVID-19 reporting statements

Wages associated with the Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA) and wages associated with the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) can now be entered as separate amounts on COVID-19 reporting statements to comply with Internal Revenue Service (IRS) requirements.
Various enhancements available for 5-Year Historical Earnings screen graphs

Graph enhancements include: New right-click menu options are available to copy and print graphs; the toolbar has been redesigned to display options using labels, rather than icons; horizontal grid lines display automatically, but can be hidden.
Hide employee SSNs on W-2 forms

Employee Social Security Numbers (SSNs) can now be partially hidden on W-2 forms in the PAY Options System. Using the new SSN Mask tab on the W-2 Reporting Options screen, you can select the states for which SSNs are partially hidden on W-2 forms.
Create AIR files for corrected 1095-C forms for New Jersey
38.000Affordable Care Act Information Returns (AIR) files for corrected 1095-C forms can now be created for the state of New Jersey. When creating an AIR file for New Jersey, simply enter Form 1095-C Correction in the Transmission Type field on the Create 1095-C Electronic Files window to indicate the AIR file includes 1095-C correction data.
Quarterly wage report updates for Colorado
38.000To support changes to electronic wage reporting requirements, the quarterly wage reports for the state of Colorado have been updated to no longer include the F record. For more information about the current reporting regulations for the state of Colorado, contact the Colorado Department of Labor and Employment Insurance web site.
Purchase Requisition Control
Updates to the Add New PRC screen
38.500When the Add New PRC screen is accessed, the PRC type and journal are now automatically entered in the PRC Type field and the Journal field to match the last PRC added. In addition, if the PRC type in the PRC Type field is updated, the journal and journal variation entered in the Journal fields are automatically updated to match the last PRC you added for the entered PRC type.
Request PRC reports in dynamic format

PRC reports can now be requested in dynamic format. Dynamic reports have customizable columns that can be grouped, moved, sorted, frozen, and removed on demand in the Enterprise Report Management (ERM) System. In addition, since dynamic reports are not limited to 132 characters per line, additional columns can be displayed on the report using the new Extended Format check box.
Request PRC reports for specific client numbers

PRC reports can now be requested for specific client numbers. Simply select the Only option button in the new Run for Clients section on the PRC Report screen in the Reports System, and then select the check box for each client number to include on the report. When the report is requested, only information for the selected client numbers are included.
Search for PRC invoices by vendor number

Posting clerks can use the new Vendor field on the PRC Invoice Lookup screen to search for purchase requisition control invoices by vendor Name and Address number. To display a list of invoices for the vendor, enter a vendor NAD number in this field and press the F5 key.
Post PRCs without printing

At dealerships where printed copies of PRCs are not required, PRCs can be completed or posted without printing a copy of the PRC by defining new settings using the Management Accounting Options System. For more information, view the full Program News.

Sales and F&I
Finance and Insurance
Review inventory value adjustments for sold vehicles
38.500Accounting personnel can now review inventory value adjustments associated with sold vehicles using the new Late Vehicle Costs window. This window can also be used to review upcoming adjustments that need to be resolved, such as open repair orders. To access the Late Vehicle Costs window, select Tools > Late Vehicle Costs. This is also available in the Vehicle Inventory application.
Access RouteOne® directly from POWER*

F&I managers can use enhanced RouteOne integration to access the RouteOne website directly from the Finance and Insurance (FIN) System and the Sales Prospect Control (SPC) System. With this new integration, you can access and sign on to the RouteOne website using the single sign-on feature when credit application information is transmitted to RouteOne.
New Product Rating and Booking providers
38.250New providers include:
- American Auto Guardian – Windshield
- AutoTrac – VSC
- Crystal Fusion – Appearance
- Dent Pro/Forever Start – Forever Ride Plus
- General Motors – CBGC Protection – Tire Protection
- K40 Electronics – Radar/Laser Defuser
- Maximus Auto Group – PowerBuy
- Mazda Protection Products – MPP Limited Warranty
- Omega – Appearance Protection, GAP, Motor Club, Roadside, and VSC
- Partners Alliance Corporation – Windshield
- Tire Shield – Tire Protection
See a full list of providers at www.reyrey.com/solutions/rpp.
NADA references updated to J.D. Power
38.000On multiple screens and windows where the National Automobile Dealers Association book source is displayed, the J.D. Power name and the icon now display.
Vehicle Inventory
Prevent creation of service records for specific vehicle statuses

You can now define whether a service record can be added for a vehicle based on the status of the vehicle. Using the new Prevent ROs tab on the System Options screen in the VIN Options System, you can prevent the creation of service records for each vehicle status. To prevent the creation of service records for a vehicle status, simply select the corresponding check box on the Prevent ROs tab and press the F12 key.
Automatically decode vehicle model numbers from the VIN
38.000Vehicle model numbers can now be defined to be automatically entered when adding a new vehicle to inventory using the Add Vehicle screen. Access the System Options screen in the VIN Options System and select the OEM Build Data: Pull Build Data Model to Model# on Add check box.
The docuPAD® System

Click-to-Sign feature used only on docuPAD Remote deals
38.250The Click-to-Sign feature is now available only for deals started using docuPAD Remote. Deals started as in-store deals must use traditional signatures.
Process to receive documents electronically for in-store deals streamlined
38.250Customers who select to receive deal documents electronically for in-person deals are no longer required to enter a confirmation code during the deal process. Once all deal documents are signed and the Email Forms button is selected on the docuPAD Workstation, the customer simply receives the documents in a password-protected .zip file as an attachment to an Email message, as usual.
Complete docuPAD Remote menu presentations without signing forms

A new menu-only option is available when performing docuPAD remote deals. This option allows F&I managers to provide a seamless docuPAD menu presentation remotely, even if the customer is not using docuPAD Remote to sign forms electronically. To indicate only the menu presentation is to be completed for the deal, select the new Menu Only check box on the Buyer and Co-Buyer Identity Verification window. You can then present the menu associated with the deal as normal.
Automatically transmit signed forms for Product Rating and Booking products
38.000Forms for sold products can now be automatically transmitted to the Product Rating and Booking provider. When the customer signs a form on the Form Presentation screen on the docuPAD workstation and clicks the Continue button, a message window displays to indicate the form is being transmitted electronically.
F&I Forms window enhancements

Various changes have been made to the F&I Forms window in the docuPAD management application, such as a new Attributes column which is used to identify form designation. The full list of enhancements can be found in the full Program News.

Parts and Service
Send confirmation and completion emails using new link

Service personnel can use a new link in the My Procedures folder to send email messages to confirm service reservations. In addition, this link can be used to send email messages to notify customers that the repairs on their vehicle are complete. These email messages can still be sent by selecting Service Functions > Send Internet Confirmation Email or Service Functions > Send Internet Completion Email, as normal.
Review chained repair orders and additional labor time information on the RO/Reservation List window*

You can now determine whether repair orders and reservations displayed on the RO/Reservation List window are chained to other repair orders and review each repair order in a chain. In addition, new columns are available on this window for you to review the overall labor time that is allowed, completed, and allowed but not completed for a repair order. To access the RO/Reservation List window, click a link in the Skill Availability list box on the Reservation Availability screen. The name of this window varies based on the link used to access the window.
Restrict operation codes to certain vehicles

You can now limit the types of vehicles for which an operation code can be added using the new Operation Vehicle Data screen in the Service Options System. To access the Operation Vehicle Data screen, select Subscreens > Operation Vehicle Data with an operation displayed in the Service Options System. Alternatively, click the Operation Vehicle Data link on the Operations tab on the Service Controls screen.
Most recent database selection retained on the Operation Lookup window

The database most recently selected on the Operation Lookup window is now retained the next time the window is accessed. When you access the Operation Lookup window, an option button in the Database section is automatically selected based on your previous search.
Shop Loading interval has been updated*
38.500The Shop Loading update interval can now be set to every 5 minutes or 10 minutes. This setting determines how frequently the available skills and reservation times are updated on the Shop Loading Status window in the Service System, the Service Department Scheduling (SDS) System, and the Reservation Availability screen in the Service System.
New notification option for transferred reservations*

Service personnel can now be notified by SMS text message or by Workflow alert when a reservation is transferred to another client number. Using the new Transferred Reservation row on the User Notifications and Settings window, you can define the method by which service personnel receive the notification.
Updates to the Status column on the Skill Availability and Additional Skills window*
38.250The Status column on the Skill Availability window and the Additional Skills window now always displays the number of hours a skill will be oversold by if a reservation is added with an oversold skill. In addition, when a skill cannot be oversold, the number of hours available for the skill displays in the column, including a negative hour amount if the skill is already oversold.
Monitor the reasons reservations are deleted

You can now require employees to enter a predefined reason code before deleting a reservation. In addition, deleted reservations, along with the reason for each deletion, can be reviewed using the new Deleted Reservations report. For complete instructions on how to define and require reason codes and how to request the Deleted Reservations report, view the full Program News.
Include reservation totals and conversion rates on the Service Reservations report

You can now include reservation totals and conversion rates on the Service Reservations report, helping you determine how consistently reservations were converted to repair orders. To include the new information on the Service Reservations report, simply select the Reservation Totals check box on the Service Reservations screen and request the report as normal.
Define default comments for posting write-off amounts

You can now define a default comment to be entered when posting write-off amounts to a general ledger (G/L) account. Using new Comment fields on the Policy Adjust and Charge To Accounts screen in the SVC Options System, a unique default comment can be defined for each G/L account to explain the reason for the associated write-off entries.
Multiple enhancements for the Service Accounting Maintenance window

Several enhancements are available for the Service Accounting Maintenance window, which can now be accessed directly in the SVC System, such as the ability to search for accounting records by repair order. The full list of enhancements can be found in the full Program News.
Identify repair orders and reservations included in values on the Reservation Availability screen

You can now view a list of repair orders and reservations that are included in values displayed on the Reservation Availability screen. The values in the Resv Jobs, Resv Hours, Queued Hours, Queued Jobs, Hold Jobs, and Hold Hours columns now display as links. Simply click a link to display the new RO/Reservation List window, where information about the repair orders and reservations included in the corresponding value can be reviewed.
Display DSM actions on WIP View modules

DSM actions can now be included on Work-in-Process (WIP) View modules on the Dynamic Service Management screen. A column can be added for each DMS action using the DSM Settings window, as normal. To add a column, select the column in the Available section, and click the Add button. Then press the F12 key to save the changes.
Include distribution codes on Internal View modules

You can now include the distribution codes for internal service records on Internal View modules on the Dynamic Service Management screen. For instructions on how to do this, view the full Program News.
First/Last RO Printed timestamp only updates when an RO is printed
38.000On the General Timestamps tab on the Overview window, the timestamps for the First RO Printed action and the Last RO Printed action are now only updated when a repair order is printed. Previously, the date, time, and User ID for these actions were updated when either a reservation or a repair order was printed. In addition, a literal indicating that the repair order was reprinted is only included on a printed repair order if the repair order was printed multiple times.
Repair Order history screens updated to fourth generation POWER System
38.000Screens used to review and update repair order history in the SVC Options System, such as the Repair Order History screen and the Edit Line window, have been updated for the fourth generation POWER System. Fourth-generation POWER System screens include advanced tools and options, such as lookup windows and customizable columns.
Available technicians now based on the number of technicians in the shop on a given day
38.000On the Reservation Availability screen, the number of technicians available is now based on the number of actual technicians in the shop for the day rather than the number of technicians available per skill. This number displays in the Techs Avail column on the Daily Totals format, the Totals row on the One-Day format, and the Avail Techs field on the Two-Day format. The Reservation Availability screen is only available if the Reservations System is licensed.
Automatically send front counter documents using Email messages
38.500Front counter parts documents, including invoices, advice notes, and credits, can now be sent to customers automatically as an attachment to an email using the new Email Invoicing feature. New screens and windows are available in the Parts System and in the Name and Address (NAD) System to allow you to define Email Invoicing settings for customers. After these settings have been defined, documents can be sent using email when you print an invoice, advice note, or credit for the customer.
Reorganized Additional Card Information screen

The Additional Card Information screen has been reorganized into two tabs. The following tabs now display on the Additional Card Information screen.
- Options. This tab is used to enter information such as a search key and uniform product code (UPC) as well as vendor-specific information.
- Miscellaneous. This tab is used to define additional information about the part, such as whether the part is configurable.
Enhanced process for adjusting special order part quantities and voiding projects
38.500To help reduce occurrences in which special order (SPO) parts are canceled or voided in error, SPO part quantities can now only be adjusted in specific situations, and projects that include SPO parts can only be voided in specific situations. In addition, when the quantity of an SPO part is adjusted or a project that includes SPO parts is voided, a message window now displays to allow you to cancel the corresponding SPO.
Prevent repair orders with outstanding special order parts from being invoiced

Managers can now prevent repair orders from being invoiced if outstanding special order (SPO) parts exist for the repair orders. Using the new Add SPO’s as Pending Parts check box on the Back Counter tab on the Invoicing Options screen in the Parts Options System, you can define whether SPO parts are recognized as pending parts. When this check box is selected and an SPO is added for a repair order, the parts on the SPO are added as pending parts. Since you can require pending parts to be rolled to a repair order before the repair order is invoiced, adding the SPO parts as pending parts can eliminate occurrences in which a repair order is invoiced while SPO parts are outstanding.
Prevent cancellation of issued special orders

Special order (SPO) parts can no longer be canceled after being rolled to a parts ticket. In addition, the statuses used to track SPO parts have been updated to help you determine when the parts are rolled to a parts ticket and when invoices are printed.
Search for and select vendors for special order reports using new options

You can now use a lookup window to search for vendors to include on special order (SPO) reports. To search for vendors, simply press the F2 key in the Vendor field to display the Search Vendors window. On this window, press the F2 key in a field to display the Vendor Lookup window, where a list of valid vendors displays.
New tabs and links on Part Special Order Information window

The Part Special Order Information window has been reorganized into four tabs. In addition, the special order number and the part number now display as links to additional information about the special order (SPO) part. The following tabs now display on the Part Special Order Information window.
- Customer Information. This tab displays basic information about the customer for whom the part was ordered, such as the address and phone number of the customer.
- Part Information. This tab displays SPO details, such as the bin and the price.
- Order Information. This tab displays details about the ticket to which the part was rolled, such as the salesperson number and invoice number.
- Timestamps. This tab displays timestamps indicating when the special order was updated, such as the dates and times the order was receipted and issued.
Review special order details with enhanced screen and window

The Inventory Card screen and the Part Information window have been enhanced to include additional information about special order (SPO) parts. Using new fields, links, and options, you can now review and update SPOs in fewer steps. For more details on these enhancements, see pages 47-50 in the Program News.
Easily access records related to special orders
38.500Employees can now access repair orders, reservations, and Name and Address (NAD ) records related to special order (SPO) parts using the Related Links window. To access this window, display an SPO record on the Special Order Information screen and select System Tools > Related Links or click the (Related Links) toolbar button. Based on the information entered for the SPO, the following links can display on the Related Links window.
- NAD Basic Data. This link displays if an NAD number is entered in the NAD# field on the Special Order Information screen. Double-click this link to display the corresponding NAD record on the Basic Data screen in the NAD System.
- Service for RO. This link displays if a repair order number is entered in the RO# field on the Special Order Information screen. Double-click this link to display the corresponding repair order on the Basic Data screen in the Service (SVC) System.
- Service for Reservation. This link displays if the SPO has been added to a reservation. Double-click this link to display the corresponding reservation on the Basic Data screen in the SVC System.
Verify special order parts should be canceled
38.500A message window now displays when you attempt to cancel a special order (SPO) part that has not been fully or partially receipted on the Special Order Information screen or the Additional Information screen. With this message window, you can confirm whether the SPO part should be canceled.
Review special order parts statuses using a new column

You can now review the status of special order (SPO) parts on the Display Pending Parts window and the Reserve Parts for Reservations screen using the new SPO Status column. If the Service Department Scheduling (SDS) System is licensed, you can also review the status of SPO parts on the ROs On Parts Hold screen using the new column.
Replace and reposition "DEPOSIT" literal on parts invoices with special order parts

You can now customize the literal that displays on parts invoices to indicate a deposit was taken on a special order (SPO) part. Using new options on the Invoice Print Format screen in the Parts Options System, you can determine whether the literal displays as “DEPOSIT” or “ON-ORDER”. In addition, you can select the column in which the literal displays on parts invoices.
Hide part numbers on parts quotes

You can now prevent part numbers from displaying on printed parts quotes. Using a new check box on the Print Invoices screen, you can define part numbers to display as ********** (Asterisks) on printed quotes. In addition, you can use a new check box on the Invoice Print Format screen in the Parts Options System to define whether part numbers are printed or hidden on quotes by default.
Updates to Management Inventory Analysis reports*
38.500Management Inventory Analysis (MIA) reports can now be defined to display the total quantity of a special order (SPO) part currently on order. To include this information on a MIA report, simply add the new SPO – On Order field when defining a MIA report on the MIA Report Setup screen in the Parts Options System.
Search and select vendors for the Receipt Reconciliation report using new options
38.250You can now use a lookup feature to search for vendors to include on the Receipt Reconciliation report. To search for vendors, simply press the F2 key in the Vendor field to display the Search Vendors window. On this window, press the F2 key in a field to display the Vendor Lookup window, where a list of valid vendors displays.
New notification options for missed or transferred reservations with parts*
38.250Parts personnel can now be notified by SMS text message or by Workflow alert when a reservation with parts is missed or transferred to another client number. Using the new On Reservation Missed and On Reservation Transferred rows on the User Notifications and Settings window, you can define the method by which parts personnel receive each notification.
Automatically notify parts personnel of missed and transferred reservations
38.000Email notifications can now be sent to parts personnel using the Electronic Mail (EMA) System when reservations with parts are missed or transferred to another client number. Each Email message includes information about the reservation, such as the reservation number, the reservation time, and the customer for whom the reservation was scheduled. Managers can define settings for these notifications using new check boxes on the Back Counter tab on the Invoicing Options screen in the Parts Options System.
Update special order default vendor settings using new windows
38.000Edit Item windows can now be accessed from the Special Order Vendor Defaults screen in the PTS Options System using a function key. These windows are used to define existing settings for the Special Order Vendor Defaults screen. For step by step instructions on how to do this, view the full Program News.
Access External Parts Orders window from the Folder List
38.000Employees can now access the External Parts Orders window from the My Procedures folder using the new External Parts Orders link. This link can be added using the My Procedures tab on the My Favorites screen. Once the External Parts Orders link has been added, you can click the link to display the External Parts Orders window, where you can search for pending external parts orders that were added outside of POWER.
Roll special order parts to a repair order using fewer steps
38.000Personnel can use a new option to roll special order parts to the associated repair order without searching for the repair order. To roll special order parts to the repair order, access the Roll Parts window for the parts and select the new RO# XXXXX option, where ‘XXXXX’ is the repair order number. The Line and Salesperson Entry window displays for the repair order with the line number and salesperson number automatically entered.
Define wholesale parts compensation type at Ford dealers
38.000For Ford wholesale customers, wholesale compensation types A – Authorized, I – Internal, and R – Retail are now available in the Wholesale Compensation: Type field on the Parts Invoicing Data screen in the Name and Address System. This information is included in files transmitted to Ford using the Ford Unified Database interface in the Dealer Communication System.
*If the solution is not already licensed, a solution license is needed.